by Pamela St. Peter | Jun 15, 2017 | Nutritional Cleansing
Why do we follow a low-fat, sugar-free regime? Was it because of what somebody told us decades ago? What if the info we were ‘fed’ was all wrong? There’s a new word hitting the rounds of health discussions these days; it’s called Diabesity. Not...
by Pamela St. Peter | Apr 24, 2017 | Health & Wellness
I’ve shared a lot of before and after testimonials and images on my Facebook page. And seriously so many people have really transformed their bodies and their life with good nutrition… But transformations aren’t just about weight loss or inches lost,...
by Pamela St. Peter | Jan 9, 2017 | Health & Wellness
I’ve been thinking about something that might resonate with you. Why is it that I let outside events effect me? Something that I have no control over; but yet I let it control my mood? So I’m going to change my attitude. I’m the only one thing that I really can...
by Pamela St. Peter | Dec 22, 2016 | Health & Wellness
I was able to write a compete sentence, a bit rough, but legible nonetheless. I can now remember my birthday. Feeling is returning to my right side. My speech in getting better day by day. All just 11 days after my stroke… In a heart beat I learned what...
by Pamela St. Peter | Oct 12, 2016 | Health & Wellness
What does a water workout do for me? You know that those extra pounds aren’t healthy for you. You’ve heard so many times about calorie in- calorie out. But it’s so frustrating to even think about exercise when even walking hurts. It feels so dang hopeless… Who’s going...